T.S.Eliot, in his poem, "The Wasteland," says that April is the cruelest month. I say, NO WAY, T.S. February is the cruelest month, and February, 2021, proves it in terms of the weather. The good thing about February, though, is that it's also the shortest month. Soon it will be onto March and some early spring days, and we may even be warm again. Someday.
I see by the art shows to which many of our members have been accepted that at least some of you have been painting your way through the pandemic. Good for you!! From your photos posted on various FB sites, it looks to me like you've produced gorgeous and intriguing work. Congratulations.
I want to remind those of you who attended Dale Popovich's first workshop that Dale presents the second of his online workshops on February 27. If you attended the first workshop, bring your work back for the second workshop where Dale will critique the work you have done. For more information, go here:
Another bit of news for WSI artist members: We have been invited by the Fishers Arts Council to exhibit our work at the Gallery at City Hall in Fishers during the month of November, 2021. This is not a Juried Exhibit, but it is an opportunity to showcase our organization and the extremely talented artists who belong to our organization. The exhibit will open on November 4 and close on November 27, and your work may be for sale. You will hear more about entering work in this November exhibit in further information you will receive from WSI.
I'm tired of looking at snow, so I think I will gather the brightest paint colors I have and create something that reminds me of spring. I'll let you know if I'm successful.
As the year continues, I wish you health and happiness. Get the vaccine. Wear a mask. Keep a safe distance. Enjoy being with people who love you. And know that, sooner or later, we WILL be able to meet and talk and hug again.
But that's just my opinion.
Paint beautiful things.