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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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Mary Jane Keys - Love Locks

Board of Directors

Welcome to the Watercolor Society of Indiana and the people that make WSI come together. We are always looking for volunteers to help accomplish the organization's goals. Contact Us to see what is available. Thank you for all that you do!

WSI Leadership consists of the Executive Board, Chairpersons, Area Representatives with the Executive Director providing support to all positions. Each Board Member earns a Service Point for volunteering and fulfilling their position.

Executive Board - Direct the financial expenditures and plans the activities and events of WSI.

President, Juried Exhibit Chair, Membership Exhibit Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and Advisor/Past President.

Chairpersons - Organize and oversee the detailed planning and execution of WSI events and activity.

Community Education Outreach, Grant Writing, Membership Education, Membership Luncheon, Regional Exhibits, Scholarships, Technology, Website, and Workshops.

Area Representatives - Coordinate transportation of paintings, promote events, and communicate with members in area. If you are interested in volunteering to be an area rep, please contact Executive Director Tanya Roberts

Area 1- Libby Marks-Shepard. Area 2 - Susan Voigt.  Area 3- Daniel Driggs. Area 4- Sheryl Thurston. Area 5 & 6- No Rep. Area 7- Shirley Woolard. Area 8- Bev Mathis. Area 9- Sandy Hall. Area 10- Nancy Rairdon. Area 11- Debi Black



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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