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Watercolor Society of Indiana

Irina Smulevitch - A Home

WSI Mission & History

Serving Indiana Artists Since 1983

The Watercolor Society of Indiana is a nonprofit organization. As an organization, we have a constitutional document with information and by-laws on how we operate. If you would like to read the WSI constitution, please click the following link: WSI Constitution. Thank you for your support!

WSI Mission

Watercolor Artist John Singer Sargent

Our Mission:

The Watercolor Society of Indiana seeks to educate Indiana residents about the discipline of the watercolor medium through exhibits, juried competitions, classes, discussions, demonstrations, outreach programs, and community service. 

Our Objectives:

  • To promote an awareness and appreciation of water media painting in Indiana;
  • To encourage improvement in the art of water media through sponsorship of workshops and classes taught by skilled professional artists;
  • To establish the highest aesthetic standards in water media painting by sponsoring and judging an annual exhibit;
  • To schedule social and demonstration events which bring water media artists in Indiana together for  the sharing of common interests and experiences as artists;
  • To educate the public on the various aspects of water media painting;
  • To cooperate with and promote membership in other similar organizations throughout the United States;
  • To encourage the study of water media by art students and others engaged in the visual arts.
  • To promote a culture that celebrates diversity and inclusiveness within our membership and is reflected in our programs and products.

WSI History

Founders (Seated Left to Right) Crawford Donnelly, Shirley Werner Carr (Standing Left to Right) James Curtin Lentz, E. Roger Frey, Wilbur Meese, (Not Pictured) Stephen Edwards

In 1982 Crawford Donnelly and Stephen Edwards discussed the need for a watercolor club in the state of Indiana. They resolved to tackle the task of organizing and generating interest in such a group. Letters were sent statewide to various artists concerning a first meeting for organizational purposes.

The first meeting was held in October at the Indianapolis Art League (IAL). A committee was selected to draft a constitution and by-laws for the group. It was made up of Crawford Donnelly, Stephen Edwards, Roger Frey, James Curtin Lentz, and headed by Wilbur Meese, with the assistance of Shirley Werner Carr. The draft was submitted to the potential members for their approval in January 1983. At the second meeting, the constitution and by-laws were passed, and Wilbur Meese was elected as the first president. During the next few weeks, 120 Charter Members began the Watercolor Society of Indiana.

The organization became a registered nonprofit corporation in Indiana in September, 1983. In honor and appreciation of our founding members, the Watercolor Society of Indiana has created the Founders’ Award for 1996 and thereafter. We are grateful for the vision and initiative of Crawford Donnelly, Stephen Edwards, James Curtin Lentz, Wilbur Meese, E. Roger Frey, and Shirley Werner Carr.



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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