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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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Mary Jane Keys - Love Locks

Signature Member and Cardinal Fellow Points

Signature membership and Cardinal Fellowship are earned by accumulating “points.” The point system is explained in the Membership section of the Watercolor Society of Indiana By-laws, Article I, Sections 1-3. Article I. Membership Levels.

  • Section 1. Membership levels will be determined according to current needs and may include Artist, Student, Patron, Sponsor, Signature, Cardinal Fellow, and Corporate Donor.
  • Section 2. Requirement for achieving Signature Membership (initials WSI after his/her name): Member in good standing whose paintings have been chosen by a juror to be included in two (2) annual juried exhibitions. 
  • Section 3. Requirements for achieving Cardinal Fellowship are as follows: Member in good standing who has accumulated a total of 20 artistic and/or service merit points. One point is awarded for each year of service as a Board member or committee chairperson. One point is earned for each year member exhibits in the juried exhibit, one point for each merit award received (Honorable Mention does not receive a point.), and three points for the Wilbur Meese Memorial Award (First Prize). No more than 10 of the 20 required points may be earned through service work as past officers, board members or committee chairpersons.

Signature Member: “WSI” following your name designates that you are a Signature Member. To become a Signature Member, your work must be accepted into two juried exhibits. Signature Members will be recognized in the Annual Juried Exhibition Catalog and in the Directory.

Cardinal Fellow: “CF” following your name designates that you have accumulated the 20 points required in the By-laws; these points may be a combination of “Artistic” and “Service” points. However, at least 10 of the 20 must come from being accepted into and/or winning awards in our Juried Exhibit. These are “Artistic” points.

“Artistic points” are earned by having a painting accepted for the WSI annual juried exhibit (1 point). Additional artistic points are awarded for Merit Awards (1 point) and the First Prize, “Wilbur Meese Memorial Award” Award (3 points). Points are not awarded for Honorable Mention. 

“Service points” refers to Cardinal Fellow points you earn by serving as a Board member or as a Committee Chairperson. Service points are not awarded for hosting at the exhibits or serving on a committee. However, we value our member volunteer service; our artists’ efforts enhance both our image and mission.

To see a current list of WSI Signature Artists and Cardinal Fellows, download the Juried Exhibit Catalog. Congratulations to all!

Beverly Mathis - Come Thou Fount



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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