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Watercolor Society of Indiana

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40th Annual WSI Juried Exhibit

  • Friday, August 05, 2022
  • Saturday, September 24, 2022
  • Newfields/Indianapolis Museum of Art


  • If you would like to enter only one painting, choose this option.
  • If you would like to enter two paintings, choose this option.

The 40th Annual WSI Juried Exhibit

Newfields/Indianapolis Museum of Art 4000 N. Michigan Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46208

August 5, 2022 - September 24, 2022.

This competition is open to Indiana Residents with a 2022 WSI Membership.  Artist Ken Call, AWS, NWS, TWSA MS is this year's juror.  He will choose 45 paintings to display in the exhibit. Monetary awards are given to his top 10 picks. Each member may submit up to 2 paintings. 

Entry Fee $35 for one entry. $45 for two entries.   Download Juried Exhibit Prospectus Here. Register online or print and mail entry form from the prospectus with USB drive.


May 6, 2022 - Deadline for entries. 

June 6, 2022 - Email Juror Notification Letters (accepted/not accepted) to all applicants. 

June 13 to June 30, 2022Selected paintings must be delivered to WSI office between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

July 11, 2022 - Award Winners will be contacted.

Aug. 7, 2022 - Juried Exhibit Opening Reception Awards Ceremony at Newfields/IMA at 2:00 pm.

Aug. 5 to Sept. 24, 2022Exhibition open to the public at Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields

Sept. 25, 2022 - Painting Pick Up 1:00 pm-3:00 pm.


All entries are to be submitted with the understanding that accepted work may be photographed or videotaped for educational and/or publicity purposes. All accepted images will be included on the WSI website.


  • Digital file must be in JPG format. The image resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
  • No digital enhancement is allowed.
  • The image must be oriented correctly. (Vertical or Horizontal)
  • Crop the image to exclude the mat and frame.
  • Save the image with your name, entry (“A” or “B”), 2022 and the painting title. Example: Smith_John_A_2022_Flower.jpg.
  • Entry form and payment or online submission must be received before the digital images will be processed.
  • The image you submit is the same file printed in the catalog if accepted into the exhibit,


The Juried Exhibit competition is open to current paid 2022 members of the Watercolor Society of Indiana only.

  • Artists may submit either one or two paintings. If an artist enters two paintings, only one painting can be selected by the juror for the exhibition.
  • No triptychs or diptychs will be accepted.
  • All entries must be the original concept and execution of the artist. No copies of paintings or published photographs will be accepted.
  • No work produced in class or under the tutelage of an instructor will be accepted.
  • No work previously exhibited in ANY JURIED SHOW in Indiana will be accepted. This includes competitions such as the Indiana State Fair, SALI, IAC, IHA, or Hoosier Salon.
  • Work must have been executed with water based medium. Pastels and charcoal may be used only to enhance or embellish the watercolor. Collage is acceptable but all elements must be painted by the artist – no preprinted or computer-generated images.
  • The size limitation is 42” x 36” in any direction, including the frame. No exceptions per Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields rules.
  • All work must be matted and framed under glass or plexiglass. Plexiglass is preferred for all artwork and is required if metal frames are used. A simple gallery-quality frame is highly recommended. A white or neutral mat is strongly recommended. The mat should be at least 3 inches wide (4 inches wide is preferred on larger paintings).
  • Strap hangers with a wire are required. Sawtooth hangers will not be accepted.
  • Titles and prices will be listed as they appear on the entry forms. No changes will be made after entry forms are received. 
  • No further work can be done on a painting once it is accepted. The painting will not be accepted if it is different from the original image submitted.
  • Each accepted painting must have a completed WSI Exhibit 2022 Painting Tag (see last page) attached to the back of the painting when it is delivered.
  • If someone other than you or your area representative will be picking up your painting at the end of the show, you must email the WSI Director with the name of the designated individual. ID may be required upon painting pickup. Note that there will be a $45 charge for any painting not picked up by 3:00 pm September 25 by either the artist, the Area Representative or the individual designated to the WSI Director. Paintings may be claimed at the WSI office when the $45 fee is paid. Unclaimed paintings become the property of WSI 60 Days after the pickup date of the exhibit.


WSI will award as many cash awards as the 2022 Awards Fund will support.


All sales will be conducted through the WSI office. WSI will keep a 30% commission on each sale.


The entrant agrees to provide his/her Social Security number to the WSI office upon request for the purpose of WSI’s tax return if an entrant receives $600 or more in sales and/or awards per year from WSI.


If a painting is accepted and shipped instead of delivered in person, it must be crated and delivered to the WSI office by 5:00pm Friday, June 30th. The WSI office will return unsold paintings in the same packaging in which they were received. The artist must set up an account with FedEx or UPS so that all shipping costs are prepaid. The artist will also be charged a $60 handling and transport fee. If you have a question, please contact the WSI office at (317) 814-6194.


Watercolor Society of Indiana, Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields and transporters will exercise diligent and reasonable care, but they will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any work. Broken glass must be replaced by the artist. By signing the entry forms the artist assumes all risks. If you are concerned about the risk of loss or damage, we suggest you insure your painting.


Please contact Juried Exhibit Chair Tim Lewis or the Executive Director Tanya Roberts with questions via the Membership Directory at



Watercolor Society of Indiana

Mailing Address:

4181 East 96th Street, Suite 200
Indianapolis, IN 46240 

Call/Text: 317-500-2275

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