Watercolor Society of Indiana
Lots to discuss! Click YES to RSVP that you will be there, follow the directions to complete registration. This will take you to the Wild Apricot site to confirm your email & registration. Welcome to your first experience with the new Wild Apricot! Let me know if you need assistance.
Please also review the following documents before the meeting:
Minutes from last meeting. WSI Board Minutes Jan. 18, 2021.pdf
Agenda. WSI Board Meeting 4_19_21 (1).pdf
Treasurer's Report April 15 Treasurers Report.pdf
Budget. 2021 Proposed Budget.pdf
You should have previously received a document reviewing the Silent Auction to read ahead of time.
We need a volunteer to take notes at the meeting!
Thank you very much! I look forward to seeing you on Monday! -Tanya
ZOOM LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82807875686?pwd=dTh0S3o2U252cnVEZEkrVENQQ2pBZz09